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曇ときどき晴 気がつけば前の記事から一週間…(^^; 予想通り大ハマりです(笑)

 ハマっているのは【トリックスター+】というゲーム。なんて言っても『無料』なのがいい!(笑) 主人がいない時しかできないという制限があるせいか、余計に必死になってる部分もあるのかも。家事がおろそかにならないように気をつけなければ…。

2006.11.28 Tuesday :-: comments (3007) : trackbacks (0)


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against militants does not mean choosing to be against religion. It also does not mean choosing to carpet-bomb villages. It merely means choosing to accept that our philosophy of a non-state jihad was wrong and rolling it back; it means choosing to accept what China and Turkey want us to do; it means choosing to tell our children that our goal is to be like Turkey; it means choosing to find our place among other nations, not against them; it means choosing to celebrate life and not death.It is this choice ?C made in our homes, not on battlefields or cabinet meetings ?C which will be the beginning of the end of this war. We must make this choice now. No one else will make it for us.Email: omar_zafarullah@turbomach.comon 31, Jul 2013 in Category: The Ashes Tournament stands to attest cricket’s deep reaching roots in the firm soil of history. Named after test matches between England and Australia, the history of Ashes smacks of pungent English pride and it pervasion into cricket. The ashes


chance of fighting back with them??MH: If the establishment does not succeed in talks, there has to be an immediate very strong action against the Taliban. So now the two possibilities are either peaceful transition of Taliban into the mainstream quotient of Pakistani society or a very decisive action against the Taliban in the form of an operation which will be participated by the Americans from the north and the west, Afghan forces will participate, even Iranian forces can participate. If they are taken from all sides, I say it will be the Warren Hastings type of operation which was launched against Pindari Power by the British.TNS: Do you think the Taliban will agree to this softer sharia? What type of particular softer side of sharia do you predict? What will be the give and take?MH: They can agree to it. The fundamental ideological groups can always come to terms because you give them some leverage and they believe that now they have time and greater space so they should move forward. It is quite


Zafarullah Khan had argued that absurdity can??t be attributed to the legislature for enacting the Contempt of Court Act 2012 though it appears that a draftsman representing 180 people doesn??t know what exactly the law of the land is.He said the contempt law was against the ground norm of the Constitution: The Objectives Resolution. It is a cornerstone of Pakistan??s legal edifice; it is a bond that binds the Nation and as a document from which the Constitution must draw its inspiration; it guarantees that no one is above the law; hence, no classification is allowed as done by Section 3 of the new act. The basic concept underlying this unalterable principle of sovereignty is that the entire body politic becomes a trustee for the discharge of sovereign functions. It is under this system that the government becomes a government of laws and not of men, for, no one is above the law, he said.

2014/10/14 05:50 AM :: Ethillatritle
What else can it be?I have seen perfectly sensible gentlemen and ladies sitting through many endless ‘We will now take a short break. Don’t go away’ promises. On come the stupid ditties selling this, that or the other and all manner of things flouted by bimbos with brains that would make a peanut look like a genius. Yet, the hordes sit on sofas and absorb it all and don’t get up till the show is over. I suppose there is no accounting for bad taste but a country that can take the-man-who-swallowed-a-canary week after week needs counselling. It is a strange relationship – the viewer and the channel. There is no shortage of viewers – mushrooming channels of all manner and disposition are sprouting like unwanted facial hair to prove that there are audiences out there ready to lap the drivel up night after night. TV is the great knowledge provider to millions who, otherwise illiterate in every sense of the word, feel no shame in learning by rote all that is force fed into their gullets. This skimpy knowledge


5 dead and 31 wounded. Both spoke on condition of anonymity.And in Sadr City, district in the north of the capital, a booby-trapped motorcycle exploded at around 7:00 am (0400 GMT) near a group of day labourers waiting to pick up work, killing seven and wounding 20 others, the interior ministry official said.A short time later, twin roadside bombs detonated near the district's main hospital as victims were being ferried in, killing two more people and wounding 15, the official said.The defence ministry official also put the combined toll from the Sadr City attacks at nine dead and 35 wounded.(AFP)ISLAMABAD: The foreign ministers of Pakistan and India will hold talks, as Indian Foreign Minister S.M. Krishna arrived here for a three-day official visit to Pakistan."We are committed to finding solutions to all issues that have beset our relationships, through bilateral dialogue," Krishna told reporters after arriving in Islamabad.Krishna during his stay in Islamabad from September 7 to 9 will hold talks with his


Copyright ? The News International. All rights reservedWASHINGTON: The United States Wednesday welcomed hopes of better ties between India and Pakistan as Indian prime minister-elect Narendra Modi invited Pakistan's premier Nawaz Sharif to his swearing-in, which the US said it will not attend."Broadly speaking, we welcome increased engagement between India and Pakistan and their leaders and other... leaders in the region," State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said.More dialogue between the two neighbors "is a positive step," Psaki added. But she revealed that as in past years Washington was not planning to attend the inauguration set for Monday."We don?t have any plans to send a representative from the United States. It?s standard for events and inaugurations in India, so it should come as no surprise," she told reporters.Ties between Washington and New Delhi have chilled in recent months after the arrest of an Indian diplomat in New York on charges of abusing her maid.And the

2014/10/14 12:36 PM :: Ethillatritle
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