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晴 いい感じで続いてますね〜、ブログ日記(笑) もうちょっとでSerene Bachに変更するのに、こんなに更新してたらデータの移動が大変だわ(^^;

 と、言いながら、8割方移行は済んでおります。えぇ、懸案事項だったWinIE問題もなんとかなってきてますし♪データ移行の方も去年までの分は全て済んだし、明日中に今年の分も移してしまわなければ。Serene Bachに移行することによって、今まで使用していたアイコン類(ペンギンの表情アイコンもすべて)が消えることになりました。日記としてのブログなのでお天気は残した方がいいなぁと思って、《Little Eden》さんのアイコンをちょっぴり加工。テンプレートも基本は同じCLE限定配布の音符のイラストながら、細々とアイコンやら増やしてイメージを(ある程度)統一させるように頑張っております。

 今の右メニュー2段が一部で不評だったのもあって、相変わらず右メニューながら1段に。全体で2カラムの構成に戻しました。プラグインもあちこちから頂いてきてある程度思ったような表示&構成に♪SereneBachへの移行作業が完了したら、【うぇぶめも】にSerene Bach関連の覚え書きを作成しようと思ってます。

 …Amoureuse本編は?のツッコミはナシの方向で一つよろしくお願いします(_ _;)

2006.06.19 Monday :-: comments (10684) : trackbacks (0)


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How do we know where they're from? Simple - for the last six years were seeing amount of this flock wearing peach-colored neck collars with large white numbers on these guys. We jot down the numbers and dial them into quotation that means phone line for us states Fish & Wildlife Services department that handles migratory bird counts. In the future later, we receive certificates telling us where the geese were banded. The certificate allows the birds' sex, their age and will need wildlife biologist responsible for that banding. The person who bands the Mill Neck geese is a Quebecois. He captures and collars the birds up in the tundra during the summer molt when they can fly. All in all, we see about fifty geese regarding his collars. [url=]Cheap Canada Goose sale[/url] [url=]Canada Goose Montebello Parka[/url] [url=]Canada Goose pas cher[/url] [url=]Canada Goose femmes pas cher[/url] [url=]Canada Goose hommes[/url] I would envision that many males are fairly distinct about mens coats, with regards to of price, size, colours and most people. Wouldn't or not it's wonderful if there was an regarding web retailer that specialised in winter months coats. Genuine the store retailer would be up up against the big boys who see their own coats along the internet - MEC, Columbia, North Confront, and so on. These are typical amazing coat manufacturers. [url=]Buy Canada Goose Online[/url] [url=]Køb Canada Goose Jakke[/url] [url=]Canada Goose pas cher[/url] [url=]Doudoune Canada Goose[/url] [url=]Doudoune Canada Goose femmes[/url] Across the city people are reporting many geese than usual - more flocks, larger flocks. GEESE OFF! remains fighting a huge migrant flock of some 300 geese in Mill Neck located on the north shore of Long island. These birds come from northern Quebec. They spend every winter around Lattingtown, Mill Neck Bay, Oyster Bay and Centre Island.
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Geese are tasty to eat. They provide goose fat, considered by some to be one within the highest class fats involving most. Their belly feathers provide down for duvets and pillows then there is foie gras, a goose pate constructed from force feeding the geese. Goose confit is one more food speciality, having a robust following in France. Originally it the method seemed to preserve the meat when no refrigerators existed. The tibia bone meat is seasoned and herbs are added. It is then deep fried slowly in its own rendered fat. When cooking is done the dish cools down and the fat solidifies on the leg thereby preserving which it. There is evidence that geese have long been domesticated though it is unexpected that the Brant Goose, because of it's Arctic breeding environment, ever fell into this category. [url=]Canada Goose pas cher[/url] [url=]Doudoune Canada Goose hommes[/url] [url=]Doudoune Canada Goose hommes[/url] [url=]Canada Goose Soldes[/url] [url=]Canada Goose pas cher[/url] One types of Geese, one common nuisance bird of the geese family in America is the Canada Goose Banff Parka. The canada goose banff parka is what is known a non-migratory bird, and you'll even once they find a first-class place to pay down, they like to stay there. [url=]Canada Goose femmes pas cher[/url] The Brant Goose resembles the smaller, shorter-necked kinds of the Canada Goose Chateau Parka but usually much darker without white cheeks. It breeds farther north than any other known goose. The eggs and downy young are preyed upon by crows, gulls, mink and many different of other small animals including bullfrogs, pike and carp. Nevertheless it really is man who preys upon the adult goose.

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