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when I said my last sentence, ‘We [the people of India and Pakistan] are, after all, brothers.’After the session many participants came up to speak with me. An hour later I noticed Rhea D’Souza from Mumbai leaning against a doorjamb, waiting for me to finish. I realised she had been there since the end of the session. Shabnam and I had already befriended this delightful, profoundly sensitive young woman who wrote poetry. We had spent a good deal of time with her. With an emotion-choked voice Rhea said she had something to say to me. Taking me by the hand, she led me back into the now empty hall.Taking a deep breath, looking into my eyes with tears glinting in her’s, she said, ‘I am very sorry.’ Then a sob broke through and like a wave swept away her self-control. She wept. I held her and she sobbed repeating again and again, ‘I’m very sorry.’ She wept so uncontrollably that she made me cry with her. For five minutes, perhaps more, we clung to each other letting the tears flow.The next morning at


revenge when he’s a grown man.”Little wonder then Ambreen Agha, a research assistant with New Delhi’s Institute for Conflict Management, terms the saga of the Baloch missing “barbaric”. She refuses to accept it as a counter-insurgency measure.“Enforced disappearances happen all over the world, but there is a striking difference between what happens in Pakistan and the rest of the world. I believe that the truth of these disappearances and the subsequent kill and dump operations carried out by the state agencies or its proxies, never sees the light,” said Agha.Haider’s sister Samina Baloch, 14, and their father’s sister Gul Saba, 13, have also dropped out of school. Both have joined the marchers. “My heart feels lighter when I am with these people,” she says. “At home the air is thick with grief. All my mother does is cry and pine for my brother,” said Gul Saba, her eyes reflecting the tragedy.But it is the precocious Haider who holds your attention. He makes a face and frowns with distaste when


ranking Republican on the House Foreign Affairs committee, called Holbrooke "a dynamic force in American diplomacy for more than five decades. His stellar service is deeply appreciated and held in the highest esteem." Jamie Rubin, a former State Department spokesman under president Bill Clinton and colleague of Holbrooke, told CNN the veteran diplomat had "helped keep a moral compass for American foreign policy."US mulls widening drone strikes Updated at 0:0 PST Saturday, November 20, 2010 WASHINGTON: United States is considering widening drone strikes in more areas of Pakistan, a US newspaper claimed.Geo News quoted the paper on Saturday that the US is mulling launching drone attacks around Quetta besides widening the strikes in tribal belt.According to the paper, Pakistan has rejected the request of US to broaden the missile

2014/10/14 05:55 AM :: Ethillatritle
two levels, intra-sect militancy and global terrorism.Undoubtedly, the madrassa sector is a part of religious discourse of the country; it absorbs and reflects different tendencies of this discourse.Public opinion in Pakistan is greatly influenced by the prevalent religious discourse that is characterised by a number of political and non-political religious and sectarian organisations, madrassas and religiously-motivated violent radical groups. The clergy that lead much of this discourse in Pakistan exercises considerable sway over the masses. In most cases, the public view resonates with those held by religious scholars and clergy, not only in the religious and sectarian domains but also in the political, socio-cultural and economic, both in the national and international perspectives.This larger religious discourse also provides a lot of space to the extremists and militants ― by either supporting them or being silent to the point of acquiescence. People, who mostly follow the narratives offered to them by


after a worse-than-expected jobs report from the United States that could lead the Federal Reserve to hold off any fresh cuts to its stimulus programme.The dollar faced further selling pressure in early exchanges after tumbling on Friday in response to the official employment figures.Shanghai fell 0.19 percent, or 3.73 points, to close at 2,009.56 and in the afternoon Hong Kong added 0.16 percent.Sydney ended 0.38 percent, or 20.3 points, lower at 5,292.1 and Seoul added 0.54 percent, or 10.38 points, to 1,948.92.Tokyo was closed for a public holiday.The Labor Department said Friday the US economy added just 74,000 jobs in December, well below the 197,000 expected by analysts.At the same time it said the unemployment rate dropped to 6.7 percent from 7.0 percent in November, although that was mostly because more people had given up looking for work.The news sent Wall Street?s three main indexes tumbling initially before they recovered. By the end of Friday the Dow was down 0.05 percent, while the S&P 500 rose


civil war.President Barack Obama said the United States is investigating whether chemical weapons have been deployed in Syria, but noted that he is "deeply skeptical" of claims by President Bashar Assad's regime that rebel forces were behind such an attack."Once we establish the facts, I have made clear that the use of chemical weapons is a game changer," Obama said in a news conference with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem.The use of chemical weapons by either side is a nightmare scenario. Along with its warnings about Assad, the West is just as concerned that rebel forces, including some linked to al-Qaida, could get their hands on Syria's chemical weapons supplies.Despite the importance, any clear confirmation of the nature of the attack that took place Tuesday in the northern village of Khan al-Assal, killing at least 31 people, is unlikely. Syria's government seals off areas it controls to journalists and outside observers.The two sides blamed each other for a chemical attack

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